My hearty greetings to you all at this most important time of year when we reflect the importance of family and friends, on what we have achieved during 2015, and what lies on the road ahead.
First we should reflect for a moment to think of our brothers-in-arms that have crossed the bar through the year. A number of Clearance Divers have been taken from us this year and as our more senior members reach into an advanced age group sadly we can expect our membership numbers to remain static into the future.
2015 was a big year for the Association and we would have to recognise the biggest social event on our calendar – that being the Western Australian Reunion held in Fremantle and Perth. What a terrific job by the organising committee and volunteer helpers on a most well executed event. The Association membership looks forward to the Tasmanian reunion in September-October 2017 that is being ably planned by Corry Vandebroek and team.
Our achievements up till today would not be possible without the stellar work of our National Executive made up of each of the State and Territory Chapter Presidents. We entered the year with an ambitious workload to complete in 12 months and can report that our progress remains within forecast timelines. To achieve this, the Executive meets every two months with other out-sessions for the conduct of Sub Committee work.
In my last letter, I spoke about the expansive work list the Executive had set itself and I can report that many tasks have been accomplished with several still as ‘works in progress’. On behalf of the Executive I wish thank all those that have passed their best wishes and congratulations on the successes of the National body to date. Some from the most unexpected quarters.
RANCDA achievements since April 2015
- Promulgated our Vision and Purpose Statements
- Revised our Objectives to support Constitutional reform
- Endorsed a Communications Strategy and Plan
- Achieved a National Membership database
- Created a National Executive Charter
- Sought and achieved almost $8000 in sponsorship
- Actively supported the aims and represented the RANCDA at the Navy Clearance Divers Trust
- Appointed our first volunteer Membership Services Officer – Mrs Elle Pasquale-Jackson
- Sought and obtained pro bono support for the accounting and audit functions for the National account and the National Welfare account
- Awarded five Honorary Memberships to people who have actively supported the RANCDA
- Assigned a budget for the pursuit of meeting our objectives
- Continued to support the work of our Honorary Historian in collating and recording all Clearance Diving history.
What we continue to pursue
- National Constitutional reform to support Incorporation in 2016
- The recognition and award of previously unrecognised awards and citations for Vietnam and Kuwait veterans
- Rationalisation and Nationally coordinated approach to Merchandising
- Website renewal as part of our Communications Strategy
- Ongoing Pastoral care for those ill and in need of support.
- Reviewing personal and public risk to our members and office holders
- Recording of oral and film histories of our members
Our success relies on the team, so for those of you that have a penchant for getting involved please speak up at your next AGM. For those of you I have not met, I look forward to seeing you soon at one of the many ‘O Groups’ that are now springing up around the country. In the meantime, I wish you health and my best wishes to you and your families for this festive season and into 2016. Stay safe.
United & Undaunted.
Michael Edwards