The 2024 RANCDA reunion will be held in Brisbane to coincide with ANZAC Day. Confirmed dates/activities are:
- Wed 24 Apr: Meet and greet – QLD Maritime Museum
- Thu 25 Apr: AM – ANZAC Day March
- Thu 25 Apr: PM – After March Port Office Hotel
- Fri 26 Apr: Rest & Recovery Day
- Sat 27 Apr: Reunion Dinner – Royal on Park Hotel
The QLD planning team (Terry & Jen Oxley) have provided the following guide which covers everything related to the RANCDA Reunion including all events and pricing. RANCDA 2024 Reunion Guide If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact the QLD Team by emailing rancdreunion2024@gmail.com
United & Undaunted
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looking for a phone no Patrick Zegenhagen in Brisbane ex.cd
Men and ladies the hotel is excellent venue for us and will start the process of ensuring all are booked as soon as we get names etc that will be attending I ahve alsom tentatively booked the Port Office Hotel for Anzacv day again will confirm once it gets closer……….My email is attached will have the computer set up in next month or so for attaching those coming into data base …there will be raffles as ususal ….