This document forms the Charter for the Executive of the RANCDA and while supplementing the Constitution should inform the governance of the Association.
State and Territory Presidents newly joining the Executive are to acknowledge receipt of this document as part of their induction.
The Executive (or Board) is the governing body of the RANCDA and consists the elected Presidents of State and Territory based Chapters, other members from time to time, and honorary members selected for specialist advice. The RANCDA President is the Chair of the Executive and in his absence the Vice President.
Role of the Executive
In addition to those described in the Constitution, the role of the Executive includes:
- Determining, reviewing and maintaining the Vision, Purpose and strategies of the RANCDA.
- Measuring success and effectiveness of the organisation.
- Approval of short and long-term strategies.
- Approval of annual budgets.
- Securing sponsorship and Grants
- Oversight of Chapters.
- Approval of expenditure over pre-specified limits.
- Appointment, performance evaluation and (if the circumstances necessitate) termination of the employment contracts.
- Risk oversight.
- Audit and integrity functions for both State and National bodies.
- Any additional monitoring of the activities of the organisation in order to satisfy itself that the RANCDA is being properly and appropriately managed.
- Supporting effective engagement with key stakeholders.
Members Roles, Responsibilities and Duties
The State and Territory Presidents are automatically appointed to the Executive from the day of their election consistent with the RANCDA Constitution and remain so until they resign.
Although the State and Territory Presidents are elected as the Committee head of their respective Chapters, it is important to remember that their role within the Executive is to act in the interests of the whole organisation and apply an independent mind to the Executive.
The roles, responsibilities and duties include:
- Ensuring any Conflict of Interest concerns are raised in the first instance.
- Maximising attendance at Executive and other meetings.
- Ensuring sufficient time is spent pre-reading for discussion.
- Participating fully in a collegiate manner in Executive discussion.
- Providing active participation in, and including Chairing Committees
- Actively pursuing enhancement of skills, knowledge, experience andliteracy to assist the Executive to function effectively.
- Submitting agenda and proposals for consideration at meetings.